Thanks for visiting the site and clicking About Me. I guess that means you want to find out a little bit more about me!
The personal stuff first, I’m happily married to Michael. I have two adult children, and I come from a large family of 11 children. A lot of my personal story can be found on the Personal Blog of Gregory Storer.
I love technology in all its guises. Whether it’s a smartphone or a clever fridge I want to know about it.
In particular, I’ve been around computers for a very long time now. In the 80’s I spent many hours messing around with a Commodore Vic 20.
I programmed that thing to do a whole stack of what I thought were simply amazing jobs. Of course, most of that can be done now with a word processor and a calendar. Still, in pre-internet days when the only source of information on what to do was either the library or magazines, I found it very impressive and engaging. When I first got the Vic 20, I would spend time programming the machine before heading off to work, then some time at lunchtime and then straight away after work.
That interest then moved to my first real computer. Another Commodore, this time an Intel-based machine, a 386SX with not very much ram, a tiny hard drive and dual floppy disks. I bought it from Brashes in 1990. It ran various versions of DOS, but it never ran Windows. Again I spent many hours programming in GBasic and then in Visual Basic.
I’ve run a variety of computers since then. My first Windows machine was Windows 95. I’ve had plenty of experience on all other versions of Windows since.
At some stage in the early 2000’s, I turned my attention to Linux servers and began to dabble with them. I’ve been running servers, both Windows and Linux for quite some years now and find that rewarding.
My home computer is now a Linux machine running Ubuntu. I’m very happy with it. Out on the net I’m running a Centos server on a VPS that hosts this website and other of my websites.
Apart from that stuff, I also love to dabble in social media and you’ll find me on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google + as well as my personal blog.
I’m sure there are plenty of other places where you’ll find me.
Thanks for stopping by feel free to leave me a message if you’d like.